Sunday, 14 February 2016

Health secrets around the world

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Make Calcium a Must

Bone mass can increase until around age 30, which means you still have time to lower your risk for osteoporosis later in life. Boost your calcium intake through diet rather than supplements. (Real foods provide fiber and additional nutrients.) Dairy is a great source, but other food groups also offer options for meeting the recommended daily allowance of 1,000 milligrams. Keep in mind, vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption, so head outdoors without sunscreen for ten to 15 minutes three times a week to get a 
dose of D from the sun.


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Getting Burned
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, but it is also one of the most preventable. Apply sunscreen (with a minimum 30 SPF) every two hours when you're outside for more than 15 minutes

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A global guide to staying slim


Spice it up Thai food is among the spiciest in the world. Hot peppers raise your metabolism, but the real benefit of food with a little zing is that it slows your eating, . "Americans eat too fast," he says. "By the time your body signals that it's full, you've overeaten. Eating slower is a good weight-loss strategy, and making food spicier is an easy way to do it." 

Eating one single food

Whether it’s bananas or potatoes—there are plenty of diets that involve literally eating one food. While this restrictive approach may indeed lead to weight loss, it’s typically temporary. A healthier method is picking a single balanced meal (a combo of lean protein, healthy fat, and nutrient-rich carbs) and repeating it on a short term basis.


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