1. Jogging Helps Prevent Hypertension and Heart Disease
Aerobic fitness is linked to a better quality of life. The benefit of jogging is that it can reduce your risk of developing a host of diseases. Among these is heart disease since your cardiovascular system since gets a great workout with this exercise. Jogging helps to keep high blood pressure at bay. One mechanism it activates is the lowering of LDL or the “bad cholesterol” in your blood as you do vigorous exercise such as jogging. Known as the “silent killer”, hypertension can have long term effects on your body that could lead to life threatening conditions such as hemorrhaging, atherosclerosis and aneurysms if it is unchecked.2. Jogging Helps Prevent Some CancersResearchers strongly agree that jogging is helpful in the prevention of some cancers. This is achieved by the better oxygenation of the entire body while we are jogging. Cells that do not get adequate supplies of oxygen have been known to mutate more vigorously, often turning malignant. Jogging increases the supply of oxygen to all parts of the body, helping prevent some cancers.3. Jogging Helps Keep Infectious Diseases at BayJogging also strengthens the immune system remarkably well. There is strong evidence that aerobic exercise helps promote the stimulation of macrophages or bacteria fighting cells and lymphocytes that fight infections thru the immune system. Having these cells circulate systemically helps boost our over-all immunity to stave off several infectious diseases, such as the common cold and flu which are viral diseases, and some bacterial infections.4. Jogging Wages War with DiabetesJogging also helps control and prevents diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle and being overweight has been shown to directly increase your risk of developing diabetes. Adopting jogging and a healthy lifestyle can prevent you from acquiring this debilitating condition.Jogging also has other beneficial effects besides physical well being. It also promotes our mental and psychological conditions.5. Improved Mental FitnessJogging also benefits our mental health. Being in shape gives us a better sense of confidence and self esteem. You are also able to improve your over-all demeanor since jogging helps release the feel-good hormones called endorphins. These are chemicals released into the body that causes you to have an upbeat mood. This is what is commonly referred to as the runners high. Exercise like jogging will keep you feeling better and happy the whole day.6. Combat Stress with JoggingJogging is very helpful when it comes to fighting stress. It helps put you in a more peaceful state of mind and helps promote an upbeat attitude. Jogging or running on a treadmill can give immediate tension release by helping the release of brain chemicals that have a calming effect on our emotions. These chemical are norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. Exercise has been shown to affect at the cellular level by reversing some of the adverse effects of stress that are aging related. Jogging and the repeated pounding of your feet on the treadmill or pavement helps give us that peaceful state that allows us to shut out the world and just be alone with our thoughts. This can be a very soothing feeling, shutting out stressors while we are immersed in the joy of running. It also affords us the solitude to sort out some of our daily concerns with less distraction.7. Jogging Helps you Lose Weight and Reduces Body Fat LevelsThe benefits of jogging for women and men is that it almost has no equal with regards to weight regulation. It is estimated that you will burn roughly around 150 calories for every mile that you go jogging. Doing this religiously would increase the number of calories you lose in the long run. This is one of the benefits of jogging everyday. There is also the afterburn effect as you will still be burning additional calories for the next 48 hours after your last run. This is also one of the most efficient ways to lose weight and get into shape. You will be able to achieve your fitness goals faster than if you did other cardiovascular exercises such as walking. Jogging is your answer to losing those extra pounds that just stubbornly won’t come off. Since it is weight bearing, it allows you to burn a larger number of calories per session. Bear in mind a little math; one pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories, which simply means you have to torch 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat. Jogging will help you reach that goal faster.So whether you plan to hit the treadmill or the pavement, give jogging a try. It is a time tested exercise that has reaped health benefits for millions of people for several generations now.Bottom line…Jogging is awesome! Therefore, make sure to grab the FREE Handbook Of Effective Jogging on this page and start to experience described benefits right away!

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