Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD , Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease), answered
For those of you who think beauty is about mirrors, makeup, and how many pudding packs you have to sacrifice to fit into your skinny jeans, hear this: Beauty isn't some vapid and superficial pursuit that exists solely to sell products, wag tongues, and produce drool. Beauty is actually precisely perceived, purposeful, and rooted in hard science—more than abstract and random opinion. From the time we started prancing around the world with our body-hair parkas and leafy lingerie, evolution has pushed us to become more beautiful. And that's why beauty serves as the foundation for our feelings, our happiness, and our existence. In fact, beauty doesn't reflect our vanity as much as it does our humanity.
Why To put it bluntly, beauty is health?
That's right. Traditional beauty—the outer kind—serves as a proxy of how healthy you are. It's the message you send to others about your health. Simply, beauty is an instant message to others that transmits youth, fertility, and health. That's why beauty is an extremely important evolutionary cue. Not convinced? Look at traditional images of ugly things—pus, blood, gore. They almost always correlate with something unhealthy
Now, that's just talking about outer beauty. Inner beauty—the idea of feeling good and being happy—also has tremendous health implications in every aspect of your life
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